Liberty Book Series

The Liberty Book: How Freedom Can & Will Be Won

News reports bring to our ears daily stories of further intrusion in our lives and increased regulations too many to number. America is losing its heritage of God-given freedoms, which were originally derived from biblical teaching. We sense that our well-sung liberties are being lost to a point of no return.
The Liberty Book examines the Christian roots of liberty, idolatry, taxation, foundations for freedom, the right to bear arms, the great freedom documents in history, pro-life and liberty, land rights, social involvement, and more.
With God’s help freedom can be revived. We must all work to pull America back from the cliffs-edge fall into tyranny. Our nation is again in search of genuine liberty under God. Discover what Bible-based liberty looks like and how it can be won for you and your children.


The Economic Liberty Book: God's Blueprint for Prosperity

This book doesn’t deal with obtuse theory. It is a practical handbook demonstrating how Biblical wisdom transforms people and their nations toward greater wealth. This book is about liberty and the importance of wealth to the work of the Great Commission of Christ. Wealth production requires liberty of action. With words, economists seldom economize. We have chosen to get right to the point to: -Demonstrate that economic science is not humanistic or materialistic at root. It must be understood in Biblical terms. -Discuss foundational economic principles relevant to your culture and your life.


The Education Liberty Book: Why We Should Save Our Children from Lousy Government Schools

Are you playing Russian roulette with your child's soul? Nothing should allow us to gamble with the lives of our children. We pray they get a good Christian education, and we must work to see that they do. We must be examples for them to believe and obey the Holy Scriptures. We have to keep humanist teachers from stripping our children of their Christian faith. Christian education must be restored in America so we can again become one nation under God.


The Law and Liberty Book: Do You Understand God's Law Upon Your Life and Nation?

Nothing marks our current social and financial downfall more than our disrespect for the Lord and His Biblical Law. God’s Law frees individuals and nations. The divinely inspired biblical writer calls it “the Law of liberty.” The Gospel of Christ in all its intent—is salvation with all the life after it. God’s Law prescribes godly freedom and self-government. It protects the innocent from unjust prosecution. It defines justice and just punishments. God’s Law frees us from excess taxation, and requires the people to provide a system of private care for the infirm, widows and orphans, liberating them from poverty. It also frees the people in general from the tyranny of socialism, communism, humanism, and progressivism. Meanwhile, neither socialists nor political tyrants are safe under God’s perfect Law of liberty.


The Christian Vote Book: What Does the Bible Say About Choosing Leaders?

In this compact book we highlight applicable biblical passages and principles for Christian voters. We discuss: -Biblical examples of God's people choosing leaders. -The qualities that mark great leaders. -The hand of God in elections. We tackle tough questions and objections like: -Should we elect women to office? -We aren't electing a Pastor-in-Chief!

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